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GLR Wheel Power cleaning assistant


GLR Wheel Power cleaning assistant

Stock Status: In Stock
Wheel Power Cleaning Assistant

This is a new product from GLR.

When cleaning wheels on a loco using a fibre pen it can be a pain trying to power the loco with 2 wires and hold the pen, the wheel power cleaning assistant clips to the track with crocodile clips and you hold the other end onto your wheels. As there are grooves set for the scale of your choice it is easy to keep the cleaning assistant on the locos wheels while you use your free hand to clean the wheels with a pen or other implement.

Available for a variety of gauges and sold in several bundles:

  • Cleaning Assistant only
  • Cleaning Assistant with Cradle
  • Cleaning Assistant with Fibre Pen
  • Cleaning Assistant with Cradle and Fibre Pen
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